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Friday, May 31, 2024

MD-520MG Upgrade Project of the Philippine Air Force

The Philippine Air Force embarked on rehabilitating its fleet of McDonnell Douglas MD-520MG Defender light attack helicopters, aiming to bring back mothballed helicopters as well as improving those that were still in service.

This resource page discusses the MD-520MG Upgrade Project of the Philippine Air Force, which is  is part of the 3rd phase of the original 1995 AFP Modernization Program from 2006-2010.

One of the Philippine Air Force's MD-520MG Defender light attack helicopter. Photo credits to Wikipedia.

Project Summary:

MD-520MG Upgrade Project:

Note: Edited as of 31 May 2024.

* End User:
 Philippine Air Force (15th Strike Wing) 

Quantity: 20 MD-520MG Defender light armed helicopters

* Modernization Phase:
Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC:

Acquisition Mode: Direct Negotiation with US Department of Defense (US Foreign Military Sales Program) 

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* SARO Release: TBC

* Winning Proponent:
 US Department of Defense

Product for Delivery: Overhaul of engines, supply of parts, and service for 20 MD-520MG helicopters, and integrated logistics support package.

* Contract Price: Php214,342,800.00

* First post by MaxDefense:

* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PAFMD520MGUpgrade 

Deliver Status:
Involves overhaul and upgrade initially planned for procurement through Public Bidding, but shifted to Negotiated Procurement through US Foreign Military Sales (US FMS) Program. Project awarded in 2009, and completed as of May 2012. PROJECT COMPLETED.

PAF MD-520MG Defender light attack helicopters in flight. Photo credits to original source.



In 2007, the Philippine Air Force's fleet of McDonnell Douglas MD-520MG Defender light attack helicopters have started to show its age as several of the helicopters are in need of new parts, or in need of major maintenance work.

Many of the helicopters have been out of service due to lack of spare parts, many of which are difficult to obtain from the market resulting to using these helicopters as spare parts hulks for surviving helicopters.

This reduced the number of helicopters in service, from more than 30 helicopters to reportedly as low as around 10. Previous repair and upgrade works on a few helicopters has somehow increased the fleet size but these are temporary measures.

Photo credits to original sources.

The biggest concern was the need to overhaul or replace the helicopter's Allison turboshaft engines.

In 2007, the PAF has requested for an upgrade program for these light attack helicopters, with the DND initiated a bidding for the upgrade of 20 helicopters. But this was immediately changed to a Direct Negotiation with the US Department of Defense through the US Foreign Military Sales (US FMS) Program, which was believed to be the best option considering the helicopters were built in the US and uses American-made parts.

Originally Php240,000,000.00 was allocated for the project, but this was reduced to Php215,000,000.00, which appears to have been sufficient enough considering the project was awarded based on a lower cost.

The new engines were supplied from US suppliers, although the actual works on the helicopters including the installation, calibration and testing were done in the Philippines. Repair works include airframe mid-life upgrade, avionics rehabilitation, as well as replacement of mechanical and electrical parts.

By the end of the repair and upgrade works, the total number of operational MD-520MG Defender attack helicopters have been brought up to around 20 helicopters, while also increasing its service life by another 15 years.

Further repair and upgrade works were said to have been done to several other helicopters at a later date under separate contracts, which enabled the PAF to continue maintaining an acceptable fleet size of capable light attack helicopters until a new replacement comes in.

Credits to original source.


With the 20 MD-520MG Defender light attack helicopters already repaired, upgraded, and delivered to the Philippine Air Force as of May 2012, MaxDefense and Philippine Defense Resource officially consider the MD-520MG Upgrade Project of the Philippine Air Force as COMPLETED.

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First edit and release: 31 May 2024
Copyright Philippine Defense Resource / MaxDefense Philippines

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Combat Utility Helicopter (Phase 1) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force

As the Bell UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopter fleet of the Philippine Air Force already considered obsolete decades ago, it has become inevitable for the service to consider acquiring replacements as soon as it can.

This resource page discusses the Combat Utility Helicopter (Phase 1) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force, which is the service's initial attempt to replace the UH-1H Huey with something new and much modern.

The Combat Utility Helicopter (Phase 1) Acquisition Project is part of the 3rd phase of the original 1995 AFP Modernization Program from 2006-2010.

Project Summary:

Combat Utility Helicopter (Phase 1) Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 30 May 2024.

* End User:
 Philippine Air Force (205th Tactical Helicopter Wing) 

Quantity: 8 combat utility helicopters + Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Package

* Modernization Phase:
Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC:

Acquisition Mode: Public Bidding (initially), switched to Negotiated Procurement 

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* SARO Release: TBC

* Winning Proponent:
 PZL-Swidnik (Poland)

Product for Delivery: PZL-Swidnik W-3A Sokol combat utility helicopters

* Contract Price: Php2,860,000,000.00

* First post by MaxDefense: 08 August 2013

* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PAFCUHAcquisition #PAFW3ASokol #PAFCUHPhase1Acquisition 

Deliver Status: 
Procurement was opened in 2008 and was originally through Public Bidding, but was changed to Negotiated Procurement after 2 failed biddings. PZL Swidnik won against AgustaWestland with the deal secured as of June 2009. First batch of 4 helicopters delivered on February 2012, second batch of 2 helicopters delivered on November 2012, and the final batch of 2 helicopters were delivered in early 2013. PROJECT COMPLETED.

Four of the eight W-3A Sokol CUHs ordered from PZL Swidnik of Poland. Photo credits to original source.



In 2008, the DND initiated a bidding for 8 Combat Utility Helicopters (CUH) with a budget of Php 3 billion (US$68 million), including an Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) package. The helicopters are to complement the venerable Bell UH-1H Huey, and may become its successor in the future.

Being the most plentiful aircraft in service with the PAF, it is expected that there should be a massive effort to replace the aircraft en masse, but funding issues remain back in 2007 when the PAF decided to do something about the pressing need to replace the UH-1H Huey.

The new CUH shall be brand new, capable of night operation, capable of 3,000 lbs. minimum payload with full fuel, with side door gun mounts for M60D machine guns, and fast access for troops.  

An initial bid failed with the only bidder, AgustaWestland was declared ineligible., apparently due to offering its product, believed to be the AW109, does not meet the technical requirements although meeting the allocated budget.  

Reportedly AgustaWestland separately offered the AW109 helicopter to the PAF, but it did not met specifications although it met the budget. Photo taken from

A rebid was launched in the same year, with AgustaWestland and PZL Swidnik being the 2 bidders, but it failed again and made the government go for negotiated purchase.

As the DND went to negotiated purchase, only Poland's PZL Swidnik participated and has made the cut and a contract worth Php 2.86 billion for 8 PZL W-3A Sokol helicopters was made.

It was known that there were several companies interested in participating in the first bid attempt but did not submit a bid due to to the payload requirements that exceed the budget allocated by the DND.

Our parent page, MaxDefense Philippines, previously reported that its sources pointed that there were only limited candidates that meet the specifications and budget allocated by the DND, as helicopter models like Bell's 412EP, Sikorsky's S-76, AgustaWestland AW139 and Eurocopter EC155 Enlarged Dauphin all far exceed the budget of approximately $8 to 8.5 million apiece.

Only PZL Swidnik was able to deliver a product that can meet both the DND's specifications and budget, clearly winning the deal. 

Training of PAF personnel started in Poland by winter of 2011, with PAF pilots conducting flight training in European snowy conditions without any reports of issues.

One of the W-3A Sokol CUH conducting flight tests in Poland during the winter. Photo credits to original source.

First batch of 4 helicopters delivered on February 2012, second batch of 2 helicopters delivered on November 2012, and the final batch of 2 helicopters were delivered in early 2013.

But on August 2013, then President Benigno Aquino III during his State of the Nation Address (SONA) mentioned that there are issues with the W-3A Sokol, particularly the size of its side doors which made entering and exiting the helicopter difficult during combat or emergency situations.

The first batch of 4 W-3A Sokol helicopters as seen flying over Luzon in 2012. Photo credits to Paul Basa.

Issues on Side Door and Opening Size:

The W-3A Sokol's design was derived from the old Soviet Mil Mi-2 Hoplite light helicopter. Soviet helicopter designs differ from Western ones, which include the absence of wide opening side doors. The Sokol have sliding doors on both sides but unlike most Western designs like the Huey, they are narrow and not aligned with each other with the port side at the forward part of the cabin, while the starboard side door is at the rear of the cabin. 

Just looking at the technical drawing above, it already shows how small the port side door is.

According to information provided by PAF sources, the Sokol's port side door opening is at around 36-37 inches (3 feet) wide. The starboard side door opening's width might not be totally different. In comparison, the UH-1H Huey used by the PAF has a sliding door opening 74 inches (more than 6 feet) wide, and have a maximum of 92 inches (more than 7.5 feet) wide when the forward suicide doors are opened. As expected, the Bell 412 has almost the same door opening dimensions as its older stablemate. 

A technical drawing of a UH-1H cargo compartment showing dimensions. Drawing taken from

Surprisingly, the Black Hawk's door opening is smaller than the Huey's at 68 inches wide, but still wider than that of the W-3 Sokol. Drawing taken from

From the beginning the PAF should have known the helicopter's door sizes and they could match it with their required door opening specifications, unless if the DND did not include such provision. Missing this provision on the requirement specifications will indeed make the Sokol eligible for the program, not the fault of PZL Swidnik and the Sokol helicopter.

U P D A T E S:

08 August 2013:

Our parent page MaxDefense Philippines posted a new blog entry discussing the side door issues of the W-3A Sokol combat utility helicopter, which was highlighted by Pres. Benigno Aquino III as an issue that shows poor decision making by the Department of National Defense and the Philippine Air Force during the administration of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

"What went wrong with the PZL W-3A Sokol purchase as Combat Utility Helicopters?"- first published on 08 August 2013.


With the PZL-Swidnik W-3A Sokol combat utility helicopters already delivered and formally inducted with the Philippine Air Force as of early 2013, MaxDefense Philippines and Philippine Defense Resource officially consider the Combat Utility Helicopter (Phase 1) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Air Force as COMPLETED.

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First edit and release: 30 May 2024
Copyright Philippine Defense Resource / MaxDefense Philippines

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Minor Mobility Projects of the Philippine Army under the AFPMP Capability Upgrade Program

 Due to the numerous minor projects involved in the AFP Modernization Program's Capability Upgrade Program of the Philippine Army and of all other branch services, Philippine Defense Resource decided to combine them to resources pages based on their classification according to Department of National Defense (DND) official documents.

In this case, we focus on Minor Mobility Projects under the AFPMP Capability Upgrade Program of the Philippine Army, which are projects classified under Force Protection Projects that are less than Php100 million in value.

The project names would still be individually listed in the MaxDefense Philippines' AFP & PCG Modernization Resource Portals and on Philippine Defense Resource's List of Modernization Projects, but will be linked into each of the grouped resource pages of each branch service. Philippine Defense Resource will follow numbering based on its listing from DND documents.




3. Armored Recovery Vehicle Acquisition Project 


The Philippine Army has requirements for armored recovery vehicles to support its mechanized forces, although did not have enough funds.

Instead, the service pushed for the acquisition of just one vehicle, and was specified to be using an M113 tracked armored vehicle or a derivative of the vehicle as the base platform. This would allow commonality with the vehicles in service with the Philippine Army which include the M113A1 and the AIFV.

The project was acquired via Public Bidding and had an Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) worth Php72,000,000.00., with the project tendered in 2002.

7 bidders were reported to have submitted a bid, but it was Turkey's FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.S. which was awarded the project after offering their proposal worth Php55,757,986.00, receiving a Notice of Award from the Department of National Defense in 2002.

FNSS offered an ARV variant of their ACV-300 tracked armored vehicle, which was derived from the FMC AIFV.

The delivery was said to have been completed as of January 2004.

The procurement of the ACV-300-based ARV led to the Philippine Army to reconsider the ACV-300 series a few years later when it tendered for the acquisition of 6 tracked armored personnel carriers.

The Philippine Army's ACV-300 ARV. Photo credits to Philippine Armed Forces Unofficial II.

Project Summary:

Armored Recovery Vehicle Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 24 April 2024.

* End User: Philippine Army (Armor Division)

* Quantity: 1 no.

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php72,000,000.00

* Acquisition Mode: Public Bidding

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.S. (Turkey)

* Product for Delivery: ACV-300 armored recovery vehicle

* Contract Price: Php55,757,968.00

* Residual Difference (Savings): Php16,242,032.00

* Status: Project awarded to FNSS in 2022, product delivery completed as of January 20004. PROJECT COMPLETED.


11. Assault Watercraft Acquisition Project


The Philippine Army identified the requirement for at least 20 new riverine assault boats for the Special Forces Regiment, to supplement its existing fleet of wooden boats acquired several years earlier.

The new boats will be made of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) aka fibreglass and are meant to be more robust and more rigid, can carry more troops, and are faster and more reliable.

The project was acquired via Public Bidding and had an Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) worth Php70,590,000.00.

The public bidding was opened on 28 February 2007 wherein 3 bidders expressed interest and submitted bids.

The joint venture of Filipinas Fabricators Sales Inc. and Colorado Shipyard, both Filipino companies, was declared as the Lowest Calculated Bidder.

As part of qualifications, the joint venture went through Post-Qualification Inspection and conducted sea trials of a sample boat from 07 to 11 May 2007 in Cebu, which the joint venture successfully passed. The joint venture received a Notice of Award (NOA) on 21 June 2007.

The sample boat used by Filipinas Fabricators - Colorado Shipyard JV during Post Qualification Inspections. Photo credits to Adroth's website.

Based on the photos, all 20 boats were delivered with a trailer to carry it over land. The boats have outboard motors and appears to have some slight difference over the sample boat tested during qualification inspections.

Riverine troops have placed bipod-mounted light machine guns above the boat's bow, although this is no actual mounting on the boat itself.
The deliveries were said to have been completed as of December 2008, with the DND also declaring the project completed.

Some of the delivered assault watercrafts. Photo credits to Wikipedia.

Project Summary:

Assault Watercraft Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 24 April 2024.

* End User: Philippine Army

* Quantity: 20 units

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php70,590,000.00

* Acquisition Mode: Public Bidding

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: Filipinas Fabricators Sales Inc. - Colorado Shipyard JV (Philippines)

* Product for Delivery:
 9-meter Riverine Assault Watercraft

* Contract Price:

* Residual Difference (Savings): Php5,540,200.00

* Status: Public bidding opened on 28 February 2007, with Filipinas Fabricators - Colorado Shipyard JV declared lowest calculated bidder. Post-Qualification Inspection and sea trial of sample conducted on May 2007, and Notice of Award released on 21 June 2007. All boats have been delivered as of late 2008, with the DND declaring the project completed as of December 2008. PROJECT COMPLETED.


18. Motorcycles Acquisition Project


The project involved the acquisition of 271 units of new light motorcycles to be used for utility purposes for the Philippine Army.

The project was originally planned to be acquired via Public Bidding and had an Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) worth Php17,330,450.00.

But 2 consecutive bidding failures delayed the project, and giving the DND a reason to pursue the project via Negotiated Procurement with select motorcycle companies. 

The project was awarded to Kawasaki Motors Philippines Corp., which was among the bidders from the two earlier failed biddings. It is believed that Kawasaki Philippines offered their Fury 125cc light motorcycle, which appears to be what was also shown in the DND's annual report for 2007.

We were not able to monitor the delivery of these motorcycles, although the DND has reported that deliveries were completed with the Philippine Army as of August 2008.

A Kawasaki Fury 125cc light motorcycle. Photo credits to Moto Mag Philippines.

Project Summary:

Motorcycles Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 24 April 2024.

* End User: Philippine Army

* Quantity: 271 units

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php17,330,450.00

* Acquisition Mode:
 Initially through Public Bidding, moved to Negotiated Procurement after 2 bid failures

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: Kawasaki Motors Philippines Corp. (Philippines)

* Product for Delivery: believed to be Kawasaki Fury 125cc light motorcycle

* Contract Price: Php17,330,450.00

* Residual Difference (Savings): Php0.00

* Status: Initially opened for public bidding, but two consecutive bidding failures pushed the DND to pursue the project by Negotiated Procurement. Project was awarded to Kawasaki Motors Philippines Corp. DND reported that product delivery was completed as of August 2008. PROJECT COMPLETED.


20. Light Support Watercraft Acquisition Project


The project involves the acquisition of 4 units of new Light Support Boats for use by the Philippine Army's Special Forces Regiment, as part of their needs for new assets to support its Riverine operations.

No information was made available regarding this project, except for the Approved Budget for Contract (ABC) worth Php38,830,000.00, and that the unknown winning proponent submitted a bid worth Php25,300,000.00.

The deliveries were said to have been completed as of August 2010.

Project Summary:

Light Support Watercraft Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 24 April 2024.

* End User:
 Philippine Army

* Quantity: 4 units

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php38,830,000.00

* Acquisition Mode: unknown, TBC

* Source of Funding: 
GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: unknown, TBC

* Product for Delivery: unknown model of light support watercraft

* Contract Price: Php35,300,000.00

* Residual Difference (Savings): Php3,530,000.00
* Status:
 No details were available regarding this project. The DND has reported that the product delivery was completed as of August 2010. PROJECT COMPLETED.


29. Truck, 5-ton Prime Mover for 155mm Howitzer Joint Acquisition Project


The Philippine Army and Philippine Marine Corps raised a requirement for 5-ton Prime Mover trucks that will be assigned to tow their new M-71 155mm towed howitzers.

Both services requested for 6 units each, which is 1:1 ratio with their new towed howitzers.

The project was procured through Negotiated Procurement / Government-to-Government (G2G) as they intended to acquire a truck model that was already in service with the AFP, which is the Kia KM500. Both services allocated a budget of Php38,900,000.00 each, or a total of Php77,800,000.00.

The timing of the procurement also made it more reasonable to go directly with a G2G procurement with South Korea as part of a bulk buy, as there are also other procurement requirement for specialized variants of the Kia KM450 by the Philippine Army and Philippine Air Force (discussed separately in the next project below), as well as more Kia KM450 trucks and Kia KM450 field ambulances for both the Philippine Army and Philippine Marine Corps (discussed separately in their own resource pages).

The project was awarded to Hyundai Motors of South Korea, which owns Kia Motors, with a contract price of Php38,880,000.00 for each service, or a total of Php77,760,000.00 for both services combined.

The DND has reported that both the Philippine Army and Philippine Marine Corps received their trucks and confirmed the completion of delivery as of January 2013.

The Kia KM500 trucks of the Philippine Army (top) and Philippine Marine Corps (above). Photo credits to Philippine Defense Forces Forum's Facebook page.

Project Summary:

Trucks, 5-ton Prime Mover for 155mm Howitzer Joint Acquisition Project:

Note: Edited as of 18 March 2023.

* End User: Philippine Army (Army Artillery Regiment) and Philippine Marine Corps (Field Artillery Battalion)

* Quantity: 6 for Philippine Army, 6 for Philippine Marine Corps 

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php77,800,000.00 combined

* Acquisition Mode: Negotiated Procurement / Government-to-Government with South Korea Ministry of National Defense

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: Hyundai Motors (South Korea)

* Product for Delivery: Kia Motors KM500 5-ton 6x6 trucks

* Contract Price: Php77,760,000.00 combined

* Residual Difference (Savings): Php40,000.00 combined

* Status: As part of a greater effort to acquire several trucks for the Philippine Army, Philippine Marine Corps and Philippine Air Force, it was decided to procure these trucks through Government-to-Government (G2G) process with the South Korean Ministry of National Defense. The DND has reported that the trucks were delivered, and the project completed as of January 2013. PROJECT COMPLETED.

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First edit and release: 24 April 2024
Copyright MaxDefense Philippines / Philippine Defense Resource

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

UH-1H (EDA) Refurbishment / Upgrade Project of the Philippine Air Force

In 2003, the Philippine Air Force was trying to acquire additional Bell UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopters to have enough numbers to retain its air mobility capabilities to support combat and non-combat operations of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

This resource page tackles one of the solutions that were undertaken by the Philippine Air Force, which is to acquire UH-1H helicopters from the United States' Excess Defense Articles.

Two UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopters of the Philippine Air Force during exercises with the US. Photo credits to DVIDS.


Project Summary:

UH-1H (Excess Defense Article) Refurbishment / Upgrade Project

Note: Edited as of 20 March 2024.

* End User: Philippine Air Force (205th Tactical Helicopter Wing)

* Quantity: 6 aircraft including Integrated Logistics Support

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php405,000,000.00

* Acquisition Mode: Government-to-Government deal through US Excess Defense Articles (EDA) / Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Programs

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: DynCorp International through US Department of Defense

* Product for Delivery: Refurbished and upgraded UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopters taken from US Excess Defense Articles

* Contract Price:

* Residual Price: Php720,910.00

* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PAFRefurbishedUH1HAcquisitionProject

* Status: The f
irst 5 helicopters were delivered to the PAF on 15 August 2006, with the final helicopter delivered on 09 May 2007. DND declaring the project completed as of May 2007. PROJECT COMPLETED.



In 2003, the Philippine Air Force was in desperate need for more combat utility helicopters as its fleet was also getting smaller as many of its existing Bell UH-1H Huey helicopters were ageing fast and are being retired and cannibalized to keep other aircraft in service, or are simply in need of retirement.

As part of the US' military assistance to the Philippines, the US Department of Defense allocated for the transfer of 10 Bell UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopters from its Excess Defense Articles (EDA) stock, as long as the Philippines will shoulder the cost to rehabilitate, refurbish and upgrade them to acceptable levels, and to deliver them from the US to the Philippines.

The Philippine Air Force raised the requirement under its Acquisition of Refurbished UH-1H Helicopters (Excess Defense Articles) to deliver the 10 helicopters pledged by the US Government, with a budget of Php442,700,000 allocated for the project, and target delivery date of June 2006.

But due to further confirmation of the total cost, it appears that the PAF's allocated budget can only allow for the acquisition, refurbishment and upgrade of 6 helicopters instead of 10, resulting to a reduction of helicopters.

The project was later on separated into the UH-1H (EDA) Support Acquisition / Upgrade Project of the PAF which aims to provide for the procurement of the helicopters from the US EDA stocks, and the UH-1H (EDA) Refurbishment / Upgrade Project, with a budget of approximately Php9,000,000.00 and Php405,000,000.00, respectively.

The UH-1H (EDA) Refurbishment / Upgrade Project was procured through Government-to-Government deal with the US through the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS), with the US Department of Defense awarding the project to American military contractor DynCorp International.

DynCorp technicians conducting maintenance work. Photo for reference only, credits to DynCorp International.

The Letter of Award was signed by the Department of National Defense on 14 December 2003, and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) released the Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) for the project on 06 February 2004. 

A Joint Visual Inspection was conducted by the PAF and DND in Texas between 25 March to 05 April 2004 to see the actual helicopters to be delivered, and to check DynCorp's capability to deliver the services.

The first 5 helicopters were delivered to the Philippine Air Force on 15 August 2006, with last helicopter arriving in the Philippines on 09 May 2007 which was delivered together with 10 other donated Bell UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopters as part of the pledge of then US President George W. Bush to the administration of then Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Four of the upgraded Bell UH-1H Huey helicopters upon arrival via commercial shipping. 


With the six UH-1H Huey combat utility helicopters completing its refurbishment and upgrade works, delivered and re-inducted with the Philippine Air Force as of May 2007, MaxDefense and Philippine Defense Resource officially consider the UH-1H (Excess Defense Article) Refurbishment / Upgrade Project of the Philippine Air Force as COMPLETED.

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First edit and release: 20 March 2024
Copyright MaxDefense Philippines / Philippine Defense Resource

Saturday, March 16, 2024

OV-10 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Project of the Philippine Air Force

With the OV-10A Bronco light attack aircraft ageing rapidly and many of the PAF's examples going to the boneyard without the ability to replace them with new aircraft, the service understood that something has to be done with what they have while they are still looking for ways to replace the OV-10 fleet with a new aircraft.

The Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) was meant to address this issue in the short to medium term, and an initial batch of 6 aircraft were eyed to undergo the upgrade works.

This resource page discusses the project which was undertaken as part of the Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program under RA 7898.

One of the upgraded OV-10M Bronco light attack aircraft of the 15th Strike Wing, Philippine Air Force. Photo credits to Philstar.


Project Summary:

OV-10 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) Project:

Note: Edited as of 17 March 2024.

* End User: Philippine Air Force (15th Strike Wing)

* Quantity: 6 aircraft including Integrated Logistics Support

* Modernization Phase: Capability Upgrade Program of the AFP Modernization Program (RA 7898)

* Project ABC: Php256,000,000.00

* Acquisition Mode: Public Bidding

* Source of Funding: GAA Funds through AFP Modernization Program Trust Fund

* Winning Proponent: Joint Venture of Marsh Aviation and Aeromart

* Product for Delivery: OV-10M Upgrade

* Contract Price:

* Residual Price: Php10,241,000.00

* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PAFOV10MUpgradeProject

* Status: The project involves upgrading 6 OV-10A aircraft with overhauled engines, installing new 4-bladed propellers that increased aircraft performance, and replacement of avionics. Project awarded to Joint Venture of Marsh Aviation and Aeromart, with the contract signed 20 August 2004. All 6 aircraft were delivered to the PAF and inducted as of 3rd quarter 2006, with the DND declaring the project completed as of September 2006. PROJECT COMPLETED.

To note, further upgrades were made years later but not part of this project.



With the OV-10A Bronco light attack aircraft ageing rapidly and many of the PAF's examples going to the boneyard without the ability to replace them with new aircraft, the service understood that something has to be done with what they have while they are still looking for ways to replace the OV-10 fleet with a new aircraft.

The Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) was meant to address this issue in the short to medium term, and an initial batch of 6 aircraft were eyed to undergo the upgrade works.

One of the PAF's OV-10A Bronco as seen in the early 2000s. Photo credits to Simple Planes.

A budget of Php256,000,000.00 was set aside for the project, which will involve overhauling the engines, acquiring spare engines, acquiring new 4-bladed propellers to replace the existing ones, re-wiring of the aircraft, structural enhancements, and improvement on the aircraft's avionics.

2 bidders submitted their proposals but the proposal from the Joint Venture of Marsh Aviation and Aeromart won. A contract was signed by the DND on 20 August 2004, with the project pushing ahead with a target completion date of 2 years.

An initial batch of 4 propellers and 4 overhauled engines were delivered as of 05 February 2005, and a second batch of 4 overhauled engines and 4 propellers were delivered as of 19 September 2005. A third batch of six propellers were delivered on 24 October 2005, while the last batch involving 4 overhauled engines were delivered by 2006.

The project was declared completed as of September 2006 with all 6 aircraft upgraded to what they call the OV-10M (Modified) standard, which passed testing and acceptance by the Philippine Air Force.

The PAF was said to have been satisfied with the upgrades that it wanted to implement the same upgrades for the rest of the fleet, but funding was not made available in the next few years prompting the PAF to shoulder on with repairing the other aircraft as much as they can.

While not part of this upgrade program, the PAF continued to improve the OV-10M several years later, including adding the capability to drop GBU-12 Paveway II and GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II smart bombs. The improved avionics and structural upgrades done as part of this project made it easier for such upgrade to be made.

A PAF OV-10M dropping a GBU-12 Paveway II bomb during testing and training exercises. Photo credits to PAF.

According to MaxDefense Philippines' sources, only a few OV-10Ms are in service as of March 2014. The aircraft were used at a very high operational tempo since 2006. The aircraft also lost their 4-bladed propellers as there was no more available propellers, and the PAF resorted to returning to the original 3-bladed propellers to keep the aircraft serviceable.

One of the remaining OV-10M Bronco was seen here with its original 3-bladed propellers as of April 2019 as it participated in the PH-US Exercise Balikatan 2019. Photo credits to DVIDS.

One of the PAF's upgraded OV-10M without the 4-bladed propellers. Note the GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II smart bombs in its winglets. Photo credits to Military Porn @ Reddit.


With the six OV-10A Bronco light attack aircraft upgraded to OV-10M standards, and delivered and formally inducted with the Philippine Air Force as of September 2006, MaxDefense and Philippine Defense Resource officially consider the OV-10 Serive Life Extension Program (SLEP) Project of the Philippine Air Force as COMPLETED.

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First edit and release: 16 March 2024
Copyright MaxDefense Philippines / Philippine Defense Resource

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Man-Portable Air Defense System (2024) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Army

As part of efforts to finally widen its very limited air defense capabilities as part of its modernization, the Philippine Army has started to plan for the procurement of Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS).

These are meant to be mobile and would be used for air defense of critical infrastructure like the presidential palace and other facilities.

A Mistral 3 MANPADS. 

Project Summary:

Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) (2024) Acquisition Project

Note: Edited as of 31 January 2024.

* End User:
Philippine Army (specific unit unconfirmed)

* Quantity: 10 units

* Modernization Phase: not applicable

* Project ABC: Php381,621,000.00

* Acquisition Mode: TBC

* Source of Funding: Philippine Army GAA FY2024 Capital Outlay

* SARO Release/s: TBC

* Winning Proponent: TBC

* Product for Delivery: TBC

* Contract Price: TBC

* Residual Amount: TBC

* First post by MaxDefense: 31 January 2024 (this post)

* MaxDefense Searching Hashtag: #PAMANPADS2024Acquisition

* Project Status:
Project was first floated as part of acquisitions being pushed by the Philippine Army in 2023. Request for Information has been sent to different manufacturers as of late 2023. Actual procurement process expected to start in early 2024.



Air defense has been a key capability that has been almost missing with the Philippine Army for several decades.

The Philippine Army used to have air defense units using anti-aircraft guns received from the US government after World War II, including M45 Quadmounts using 12.7mm machine guns. But these have all been retired from service decades ago.

Currently it does not have any purpose-built air defense system. It has no gun or missile air defense systems of its own, and while it is holding a few dozen Man-Portabale Air Defense Systems, these are actually for the Presidential Security Group (PSG) and are assets owned by the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

There was an effort to procure new MANPADS for the Philippine Army under the Horizon 2 Phase of the Revised AFP Modernization Program, but it has failed to reach actual procurement stage by the end of Horizon 2 Phase in 2022, and it appears to have been cancelled and re-introduced as a new project for Short Range Air Defense System (SHOADS) under the Horizon 3 Phase from 2023 (which will have its own separate resource page for further discussion).  It is still unclear though if these will still be consisting of MANPADS, or a short range system that is more capable than MANPADS but falls short to be called a medium-range air defense system.

While there is already a procurement project for such, it appears that a new separate effort is being made to procure  small quantities of MANPADS outside the AFP Modernization Program, and will be funded using annual capital outlay for ordnance procurement.

It is still unclear as to the concept of this procurement plan, but it appears that this is meant for the Philippine Army to hasten the introduction of air defense systems starting with MANPADS, and to start introducing such systems to specific units of the Philippine Army that will be handling air defense in the future.

The urgency of this procurement, the small quantity involved, and not waiting for the Horizon 3 Phase project for SHORADS is very obvious in this specific project, and it remains to be seen as to why.

The project specifications has not been made available yet, and for now we can only speculate as to what the potential products in the market that could be offered to the Philippine Army.

Potential Models for Consideration

Being a revision of the earlier MANPADS Acquisition Project under Horizon 2 phase of RAFPMP, we are expecting the same products that were offered before to be again reconsidered for this new project, although shortlisted products might have an advantage over others.

Among the potential candidates for the supply of MANPADS are:

* MBDA Mistral 3
– one of the shortlisted models under the Horizon 2 phase MANPADS requirements, it is an improvement of the older Mistral variants and has even been proven for use against surface targets. This is already in service with the Philippine Navy as the short-range air defense system found on the Jose Rizal-class frigates, and could find its way to several other ships for the same requirement. An older variant is already in service with the Presidential Security Group although they are reportedly under the safeguard of the Philippine Army’s Armor Division based on documents received by our parent page MaxDefense Philippines a few years ago.

* Raytheon FIM-92 Stinger – the main MANPADS of the Philippines’ only treaty ally, the United States. There are also reports that the Presidential Security Group are also in possession of a few of these missile systems, also safeguarded by the Philippine Army. The Stinger has proven its effectiveness and worth against Russian aircraft and drones in Ukraine, despite its older design. 

The FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS.

* LIG Nex1 Chiron – South Korea’s indigenous MANPADS that is now being offered for export. The Chiron is said to be a Korean copy of the older version of MBDA Mistral. Our parent page MaxDefense Philippines reported before that the Chiron, together with the Mistral 3, are among the top choice of the Philippine Army for its previous MANPADS Acquisition Project under Horizon 2.

The Chiron in service with the ROKA.


* Thales Starstreak Mk. II – the MANPADS of choice of the British armed forces, the system was also offered to the Philippine Army as part of the highly-mobile ForceSHIELD air defense system. It uses a Semi-Automatic Command to Line of Sight (SACLOS) using laser beam guidance system whose advantage includes resistance to jamming by infrared and/or radar/radio countermeasures, although it also means it is not a fire and forget system and exposes the he need to keep the laser on the arming unit on the target until impact. Starstreak is also considered a hyper-velocity missile due to its high speed, considered to be the fastest among current MANPADS in the market.

The Starstreak MANPADS. Photo credits to Wikimedia.

* Mesko Piorun NG – an improved version of the older Grom missile from Poland, including  improvements in the detection sensitivity that allowed for increased range, increased resistance to countermeasures, use of priximity fuse and improved night capability. The only issue at the moment is production is currently ramped up for European orders including supplying to Ukraine for use against Russia.

The Piorun and Piorun NG in a display. Photo c/o 

Due to CAATSA and the War in Ukraine, we do not expect Russian products to be included in any evaluation except for comparison purposes only.


Related Readings:

Further reading can be made on similar projects of the Philippine Army. Click the project names below which links to the respective resource page.

Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) Acquisition Project of the Philippine Army

U P D A T E S:


First posted and released on 31 January 2024
Copyright MaxDefense Philippines / Philippine Defense Resource